March’s GPI Open Mic
We had a great time in March, with some of the usual suspects, an old friend, and a hot new poet making his GPI debut. Lovin’ Bossa as our home on third Tuesday nights, we are now doing the open mic upstairs, which has a cozy and intimate atmosphere, almost like the old days hanging at Laila and Fadi’s.
Here are some of the show’s highlights…
Damian was chill and feeling humble (?! ;); in the past he waited, but he’s no longer weighted–got a piece of peace, and, damn, he’s gonna keep it.
Shahid keeps takin’ the green out of the pipes of politicians and puttin’ it into the pockets of the people–he’s not hurting anybody.
Laurie revealed vagina early in the morning light–shocking!–and freedom is strong around that word now.
Luis made a transition towards the end, with art seemingly leaking straight down from his brain and out his mouth.
Jess pledged her loyalty to the Web of the Free and the Roam of the Brave.
Amy gave Split This Rock a shout-out.
And the beat went on:
Shahid sang, justice is hard to find in this world…
Damian said, Icharus was right…
Laurie shouted, we’re consuming, consuming!…
Luis warned, bystanders have come to lead us and we just eat everything they feed us…
And Jess found the words to spin..
What’s the point?
No questions.
Every time I’m at GPI I get inspired all over again. Hope to see you out at the next one!
– Bubs McGee