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GPI Gathering: Sunday, February 11, 2007

Facilitating: Shahid
Notes Person: Mo (grrrr)
Present: Shahid, Laila, Fadi, Mo, Cherie
Joining for part of the gathering: Cesar, Jaime

Note: Cherie also submitted some personal notes that she shared during the meeting and asked to be included in the notes

NCOR – March 9-11, 2007:
  • We still have to find out what our time slot is. (Mo)
  • Shahid and Cherie are in to facilitate.
  • Kristen may have a time conflict but will be able to lend drums regardless
  • Laila would preffer to step back, unless no one steps up
  • Mo will probably be out of town. Will participate if he is in town
Video and Audio Recording
  • Laila: We have access to a "top of the line" recording studio at Georgetown. Room needs to be reserved in 2 hour increments. We are still aquiring the software engineering skills necessary to fully leverage the resource.
  • Open Call – to all those who want to learn the technical skillZ.
  • Open Call – If anybody wants their poetry to be recorded, Laila will facilitate the space, but the performer will have to organize getting people in and out of the space.
  • Open Call – Artists that organize and end up recording are invited to be a part of a GPI CD compilation.

Abram's Creek:

  • One Common Unity is asking us when we want to have a retreat.
  • We have to engage a broader swath of folks.
  • Suggestions: Memmorial Day; calling for more organizers to bottomline the retreat.


  • Lois was one of the (sociology?) faculty Jess and Shahid met at a conference they attended last fall and performed at on behalf of the GPI. They discussed a trip to Boston, and she appears below to invite us on two alternative weekends this spring. Faculty members are offering a $500 stipend for the group.
  • We will be reaching out to other universities in Boston
  • Possible Dates: April 12th or April 19th. Involves a trip to Boston and a 4 day weekend committment.
  • Who is interested: Mo, Fadi, Laila, Shahid
  • Shahid is bottomlining.
  • We need to build the capacity within the group to organize these kinds of trips.


Trip to Shepardstown,WV to participate ina show and poetry workshop.
Bottomliner: Mo
Date is March 30-31
up for going -Laila, Shahid, Mo, Sheri
more details by email and at next gathering
July Trip to South Dakota
Trip to Pine Ridge Oglala Lakota reservation.
A call has been made for resources and construction/home maintenance skills.
Sheri: will be contacting Jay Nightwolf to find out what is needed and to asses whether there is a place for the GPI there.
Establishing better communication lines with GPI Sister Groups
Richmond, New York, San Francisco, Asheville, Wells College (upstate New York)
How can we build an International network.

We can leverage these relationships for foundation funding.

We can collaborate on future projects.
Traditionally it has been Laurie and Sha working on this
Laila is interested in working on this, but she will be finding out where she and Fadi will be moving and this will influence how she does this.


  • Trip to Shepardstown,WV to participate in a show and poetry workshop.
  • Bottomliner: Mo
  • Date is March 30-31
  • up for going = Laila, Shahid, Mo, Cherie more details by email and at next gathering

July Trip to South Dakota

  • Trip to Pine Ridge Oglala Lakota reservation.
  • A call has been made for resources and construction/home maintenance skills.
  • Cherie will contact Jay Nightwolf to find out what is needed and to asses whether there is a place for the GPI there.

Establishing better communication lines with GPI Sister Groups

  • Richmond, New York, San Francisco, Asheville, Wells College (upstate New York)
  • How can we build an International network.
  • We can leverage these relationships for foundation funding.
  • We can collaborate on future projects.
  • Traditionally it has been Laurie and Sha working on this
  • Laila is interested in working on this, but she will be finding out where she and Fadi will be moving and this will influence how she does this.
  • metastasis – (me-TASS-tah-sis) The migration of cancer cells from the original tumor site through the blood and lymph vessels to produce cancers in other tissues. Metastasis also is the term used for a secondary cancer growing at a distant site.

Include in Next Agenda

  • A broader discussion about street theatre tactics
  • A invitation/orientation for GPI on the trains.
  • Jamie: Interested in helping write a grant for GPI – more info available online.


March 17th – March on the Pentagon. This is the next big mobilization in the DC area.


  1. CD Compilations are great when you want to hear long playing music on long trips.*;:

    Comment by Brooklyn Evans — July 9, 2010 @ 8:16 am

  2. CD Compilations are great when you want to hear long playing music on long trips.;*:

    Comment by Brody James — July 9, 2010 @ 9:16 am

  3. i have lots of cd compilation at home and most of them are rock and ballad.:-~

    Comment by Joe Mason — July 12, 2010 @ 9:48 pm

  4. i have lots of cd compilation at home and most of them are rock and ballad..,-

    Comment by Claire Richardson — July 12, 2010 @ 10:37 pm

  5. my CD Compilation are getting bigger and bigger each day coz i really love music that much*;*

    Comment by Camila Perry — October 10, 2010 @ 12:36 pm

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The DC Guerrilla Poetry Insurgency (GPI) is an anti-authoritarian, collaborative, pro-humanity artists' collective incorporating music, rhythm, spoken word, community and resistance.

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