GPI Writing, Drumming and Performance Workshops for One Common Unity Summer Day Camp
Thursday, July 13th, 2006
It was an interesting and cool to organize the Youth Guerrilla Insurgency at One Common Unity’s Summer Camp. In the midst of the week, I struggled, but came away truly rewarded by having had an opportunity to observe five amazing, yet different trainer styles. I learned many new games and for the first time actually believe I am capable of leading a workshop.
Kristen and Joe both taught me about energy. Although Kristen confessed to feeling a lack of energy walking into the workshop, you would have not known it by interacting with her. Joe’s flow of energy kept everyone moving and simply having fun. Marguax’s smooth calmness and Shahid’s straightforward way actually quieted the 8-12 year olds for the only time in those 4 days as they wrote poems, short stories and random thoughts. My favorite exercise from the writing was completing sentences such as Summertime means….I know we can…..etc. Princess of Controversy kept them all “in the game” and had at least one come away talking about “respect.” Here are some samples of their writing:
One day I will get older this is true. I will get older and you can’t get younger because that’s impossible!
I know that we can work together.
I balled up the paper before this cause it looked somewhat like this one but they won’t let me ball this up. I like to watch my hand writing cause sometimes I write so fast and I can’t even see my hand but that is why this paragraph is so messy.
Cool fool. In summertime I become a gangster.
Rocks and old people go together like bread and butter.
I wonder why our paper is yellow. It looks like someone pissed on it.