The Man We Call President
George W. Bush and his family are the worse kind of people
The image of what happens with too much power
Turned on his citizens
Subjecting us to our darkest hour
We’re not even the first to wear the scars
Their family has had a hand in all the wars
And most of us are too busy worrying about cars and stars
Don’t know what happened and don’t know what’s in store
Those people don’t care about this country
Kindly fed us to the wolves for their feast
He stole the highest seat in this country
To keep us in the belly of the beast
Instilled fear in the hearts of the masses
Training us to remain at bay
Time passed and continually passes
Yet nothing has been done to those responsible for that day
Has no reason to, in fact, they’re the closest of friends
They have been for a long time
The Bin Ladins own 7% of our land
To leave on 9/11 they were the first in line
Warmongers, every single one of them
Snatching souls to obtain their goals
Abu Ghraib sounds like Auschwitz… too much for me
Bush resembles Hitler too, especially around the nose