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Notes from Sunday, July 23, 2006

Untitled document

Want to know what happened at our last gathering?  What  the GPI are up to? Read on my friend…….

Guerrillas in Attendance: Kani, Greg, Juliana, Shahid, Laurie, Jess


·        Center for American Progress may want us to come in the Fall (well funded liberal group) – Shahid, Mo and possibly Laurie will be meeting with them this week.

―    This is a large organization in the "liberal" establishment, with numerous programs and an army of staffpeople

―    Campus progress is a program promoting activist activity on campus

―    Potentially interested in adding GPI to their speakers bureau

―    CAP would give us a line to campuses all around – with subsidized travel costs and possibly more at times

·        Charlottesville – SAT AUG 5 – Kye invited us down via Hawah.  We have no volunteer to bottomline our participation, and there are several conflicting events in here in DC that day

·        Love and Unity Parade and Troops Fast – Laurie organizing – will send out info to the group. – SAT AUG 5

·        Immigrant Conference – Fri-Sun at AU – having an open mic on Friday – JULY 28 – folks from the event will be there – but would like us to be there as well. GPI would host – rather than being the main act.  Is anyone available?  Juliana and Kani both volunteered to go. 

·        WPFW  Radio – Juliana made this contact and we discussed ways to recruiting other voices to the opportunity.  GPI has done 5 shows.  There are themes for each show (this Wed – JULY 26 is Cuba).  Need to be at radio station by 8:45pm, but show is 9-10pm.

·        WHUR – Joe’s Place Radio Show – We have been invited to come there.   Laurie will provide more details, as they are available.



·        Laurie to give Juliana a Wed to be in the rotation.

·        Other Guerrillas should do same if they are interested in doing the radio show.

·        Juliana to send an update.

·        Joes’ Place




·        We discussed how it might be useful to know what we can offer people, as well as what support we could use.

What can we offer to people?

·        Radio

·        Performance Opportunities

·        Workshops (some paid)

What do we ask people to do?

·        Organize shows

·        Performance shows



·        If you have ideas for these send to Laurie and Shahid will be working to put this together.



·        Shahid spoke with Permit office – all back on track

·        Will have GPI permit Sept-Dec.

·        Chris Otten’s permit will be used for August.

·        Once we have permit Shahid will circulate

·        ALL guerrillas should print off and bring to circle actions (so we have multiple copies)




·        Current Inventory: 1 Dune, 2 djembes (one broken, one missing), 1 klong yao

·        We discussed possible need to not only repair but perhaps purchase a new drum with balance of the Puffin Money (we just can’t make up our minds can we – hee J)



·        Does anyone know where Shahid’s large drum is??? (Hawah?  Kristen?)

·        Juliana is looking into costs of reheading the drum




·        First one we ordered was out stock

·        Agreed consensus was the 300 Watt system for $648



·        Laurie will order within the next week




·        Speaking with Blackout and Spoken Resistance about a 3-way fundraiser

·        Idea would be to have 2 reps from each group to come up with a show

·        Drawing from 3 communities could put together a big show

·        Jointly used as a way to develop stronger relationships with both artists’ communities.

·        Laurie will be one of the GPI reps – either Shahid, Mo or Juliana will be the other.

·        Cherie likely to be one of the Spoken Resistance reps. (cross pollination already J)




·        Jess put in a proposal for a workshop request in Baltimore – future urban community living.

·        Creating spaces for social change

·        Would be end of October in Baltimore

·        Jess waiting to hear back



·        Discussed how to treat posts and how open to keep the website.

·        Seems to be 4 positions

―    Wide open access – leveraging peoples voices

―    Total control and only those who know us can post to us

―    Let anyone post, and then edit posts and shoot back email to the author  – case by case basis

―    Come up to guidelines for each category and delete/monitor based on those.

·        Discussed truncating some messages so they don’t take up as much space as short term solution



·        Shahid to circulate draft guidelines on each of those topics

·        Create a Gathering Notes sections on the blog/website

·        Laurie will post 7/23 notes there and past ones as she is able (although others free to post if they have any).




One Common Unity Summer Camp

·        Read the Blog for full report

·        Discussed return on investment and group agreed might not be strongest age range (8-12) to target

·        Laurie specifically discussed challenge to doing it during workday

·        Acknowledged it was good to support OCU’s programs

·        Discussed developing a GPI curriculum that could be used/shared.

Sister Crews

·        Monthly conference call to connect us?

San Francisco, CA 

·        Still popping – rotating leadership but still going strong

·        Some way to pull folks together/creating a network

Richmond. VA

·        Smaller, once a month in Summer on Friday’s

Asheville, NC

·        Workshops with at risk youth, been doing performances, attempting to launch a public space initiative (one relocated to San Francisco crew)

·        Shahid traveling there weekend of 7/28 for show

Baltimore, MD

·        Some energy but nothing specific has been started

Greensboro, NC

New York, NY

·        Welcome to Greg of NY Crew

·        Every Saturday starting at 3pm, in Washington Square Park – but potentially shifting locations to encourage broader participation (new locale in Brooklyn – more progressive scene)

·        Shared outreach strategies to encourage participation

·        Talked about amplification vs. training voices to be heard without

·        Talked about engaging activist community

·        Invited their participation in DC anytime

·        If you're going to NY, contact hip-hop flautist Greg Patillo ( to connect

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The DC Guerrilla Poetry Insurgency (GPI) is an anti-authoritarian, collaborative, pro-humanity artists' collective incorporating music, rhythm, spoken word, community and resistance.

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