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GPI Activities in January, February, and March

GPI Activities in January, February, and March

We had our second-Tuesdsay open mics at Bossa in January, February, and March, and one even had a guest host. Thanks to all who help host and show up to share the stuff all the time! You are all inspiring. Here are just a few highlights from one those open mics:

Zane revealed his wintermind, bare within, and beneath lies the son of spring. He also lingered on absolute pleasure…the spark is restless, a prisoner mired in the hell of the doldrums…I feel it within, the inner spark.

Jess freestyled that she’s just a crazy girl, and added you plus me plus them equals we.

Dana read us part of his Augustus the Sissy, which you can see in full later this year:

We hope to see you out next month. Stay tuned for more GPI events this year!

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The DC Guerrilla Poetry Insurgency (GPI) is an anti-authoritarian, collaborative, pro-humanity artists' collective incorporating music, rhythm, spoken word, community and resistance.

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