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Archive for August, 2017

We Held It Down at Bossa in August

Thursday, August 31st, 2017

We rocked it for the crowd at Bossa in August. Some of the vets even insured newbies to give the mic a shot. The highlights:

Luis climbed the ladder, stood up to Goliath, and roamed amongst the throngs of calm trees.

Jessica heard the strum of a busker beat and waged an old new protest.

Nicole read us Me Gustas by Pablo Neruda: Mariposa de sueno, te pareces a mi alma (Dreamtime butterfly, you resemble my soul).

Malkia shared Prince Ea’s Everybody Dies, But Not Everbody Lives: It is not death most people are afraid of. It is getting to the end of life, only to realize that you never truly lived.

Inyigo gave us a poem by Mario Benedetti, No Te Salves: no te quedes sin labios, no te duermas sin sueño, no te pienses sin sangre, no te juzgues sin tiempo.

Louise shared some Shel Silverstein faves: Who wants a pancake? <and> I will not play at tug o’ war, I’d rather play at hug o’ war.

A good amount of OPP can get anyone up to do some poetry—even if it’s their first time on the mic. Come out and give it a try!…at the next GPI. Every second Tuesday of the month 7-9 PM in Adams Morgan at Bossa, 2463 18th St. NW DC.

Next GPI Open Mic at Bossa: Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017

Come to our poetry open mic at Bossa in August! Bring your words or your favorite OPP (other people’s poetry). Let’s hear your poetical thoughts on our current state of affairs. Rhythmic therapy, anyone? See you there!

Tuesday, August 8 at 7 PM – 9 PM

Bossa Bistro + Lounge
2463 18th St NW, Washington, DC 20009

The DC Guerrilla Poetry Insurgency (GPI) is an anti-authoritarian, collaborative, pro-humanity artists' collective incorporating music, rhythm, spoken word, community and resistance.

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For more info or to inquire about availability to perform:

(800) 886-6157

Sign up for annoucements by visiting: DC-GPI Announce

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