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Archive for May, 2013

May at Bossa

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

We had a lovely intimate gathering at GPI’s Bossa open mic in May. It may have been hot outside, but we were chillin’ upstairs, spitting and chatting poetry. Special shout-out to Ally and Marisa for coming through and hanging tight. Here are the highlights:

Jessica gave them everything in her book, her head, her iPhone–talking peace, introspection, moving forward, and down to oppression.

Marisa read Poetry of Yoga OPP, Trauma Healing in Haiti–personal experience, ongoing stress, slow deep breathing, a sense of control, possibility of a future, alive with pleasure and discovery, feeling whole again in nature and with family and friends, with gratitude as well as grief.

Enk Blot came on the scene and gave us his all. He’s living in a pulp fiction, this demolition man may be stuck in a wonderland, where the loneliest words he ever said is I love you. People think to be in love you can’t be alone. Then along came a spider who confused his sixth sense as she placed him in her Charlotte’s web–igniting fires that can’t be doused. All he has is a picture of your face, when he closes his eyes. Try to keep track of what you gather and scatter and remember the thing that gets you to cherish a moment…friendship.

Looking forward to seeing you out at the next GPI open mic at Coffy Cafe in Columbia Heights on Thursday, May 30th. Keep on writing!

The DC Guerrilla Poetry Insurgency (GPI) is an anti-authoritarian, collaborative, pro-humanity artists' collective incorporating music, rhythm, spoken word, community and resistance.

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