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Man, we had fun at Bossa in September. New faces, old friends graced the stage to share words from the page, and some even did a cypher at the end. Highlights:

Mark shared Offispring’s You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid: Show me how to lie, You’re getting better all the time.

Mustafa gave us some Perci B Shelley: I met a traveler from an antique land…Asumandeus—king of kings.

Doug’s poem was from Cuba: preguntar todos, he wanted a world without police, without monopolies.

Romy was fine when left to her beasts, but she could choose only one.

Mohammad remembered Billie’s smile. Billies all over the world pay the price.

Jess sang against oppression.

Merit explored the freedom when traveling; life is the winding circuit of energy; and there’s some trips you don’t have to buy a ticket to.

Come out to the GPI Open Mic next month and share your explorations with us. October 10th, 7-9 PM, at Bossa, 2463 18th NW DC.

We rocked it for the crowd at Bossa in August. Some of the vets even insured newbies to give the mic a shot. The highlights:

Luis climbed the ladder, stood up to Goliath, and roamed amongst the throngs of calm trees.

Jessica heard the strum of a busker beat and waged an old new protest.

Nicole read us Me Gustas by Pablo Neruda: Mariposa de sueno, te pareces a mi alma (Dreamtime butterfly, you resemble my soul).

Malkia shared Prince Ea’s Everybody Dies, But Not Everbody Lives: It is not death most people are afraid of. It is getting to the end of life, only to realize that you never truly lived.

Inyigo gave us a poem by Mario Benedetti, No Te Salves: no te quedes sin labios, no te duermas sin sueño, no te pienses sin sangre, no te juzgues sin tiempo.

Louise shared some Shel Silverstein faves: Who wants a pancake? <and> I will not play at tug o’ war, I’d rather play at hug o’ war.

A good amount of OPP can get anyone up to do some poetry—even if it’s their first time on the mic. Come out and give it a try!…at the next GPI. Every second Tuesday of the month 7-9 PM in Adams Morgan at Bossa, 2463 18th St. NW DC.

Come to our poetry open mic at Bossa in August! Bring your words or your favorite OPP (other people’s poetry). Let’s hear your poetical thoughts on our current state of affairs. Rhythmic therapy, anyone? See you there!

Tuesday, August 8 at 7 PM – 9 PM

Bossa Bistro + Lounge
2463 18th St NW, Washington, DC 20009

Ah, swamp-heat DC summer, how do I count the ways? One, indoor air-conditioned open mic at Bossa; two, with your friendly neighborhood guerrilla poets; three, with cool words and rhythms that treat you right. Here’s what we heard:

Luis was knocking down the doors of perception with his mescalinesque flow.

Zane, inspired by Neil Gaiman, was feeling like a warrior entering Valhalla and Coraline-creepy yet whimsical.

Jess couldn’t be kept down with no pain.

Arin cranked it all the way up and showed us the eyes of a lizard, the eyes of a king, the eyes of a dead man—it’s all in the eyes.

Hannah painted us a house with smells like earth and burning wood.

Chris confided how a year ago he died inside: when you see the soul of someone you want to connect to and they drain you, you die.

Open mics can be inspiring and therapeutic. I always feel rejuvenated when I go to GPI’s. Come out and get deep with me. Hope to see you there. – Jessica

Why, we read poetry of course! People brought their own pieces or read OPP (other people’s poetry). If you like to write or you’re down with OPP, then join us out at Bossa next month. June highlights:

Zane shared his dingbat pride—he may be obsessed with cats and teddy bears, but he’ll never be fucking sorry for being awesome.

Jess swears we’re going to get it someday, even though we’ve sold ourselves to the Facebook zoo.

Noel recited Amy Whitehouse: his message was brutal, but the delivery was kind.

Cheryl gave us some Leonard Cohen: ring the bells that still can ring.

What words will you bring to the next open mic? Hope to see you there.

We had a great open mic in May. At Bossa in Adams Morgan every second Tuesday evening of the month, you get to read poetry with us where everyone knows your name, and they’re always glad you came. Here are the highlights:

Jess used building blocks to roam a web of the free.

Zion reminded us of words that change the entire course of history; words give power to the weak; he spoke for the indigenous who suffer for others’ luxury.

Zane remembers telling stories in his head and speaking them aloud; his muse is the bastard love child of fools and knaves and Hamlet.

Charlie rhymed: Humpty Trumpty built a wall, he built prisons, filled them all, he destroyed unions, made them fall…

And what other tales will you hear at the next GPI open mic? See you next month at Bossa, 2463 18th NW DC, 7-9 PM, 2nd Tuesday of the month.

The April open mic at Bossa was a doozy. We had a great turnout, both on the stage and in the audience, with new open mic-ers and some regular faves. Here are some highlights:

Zane spoofed our commanda-in-chief: winna, looza; money, fame, and powa; winna dominate, vermine conqua.

Luis asked us to have some patience for those who lack patience, spreading love even in the face of fascists.

Simon busted his rhymes on corporate social responsibility, creating value for society.

Jess spouted out her bullshit bullshit and jangled a jingle on who paid-politicians listen to.

Maps was stuck in the isolation of self-reflected tragedy–well, we call ourselves human.

Zoanna spoke of our sweet tattered souls, close together, swaying in rhythm…in the embrace we become tangled.

Keep those great rhymes and vibes coming! Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday, May 9th, 7-9 PM at Bossa, 2463 18th St. NW DC 20009.

GPI Activities in January, February, and March

We had our second-Tuesdsay open mics at Bossa in January, February, and March, and one even had a guest host. Thanks to all who help host and show up to share the stuff all the time! You are all inspiring. Here are just a few highlights from one those open mics:

Zane revealed his wintermind, bare within, and beneath lies the son of spring. He also lingered on absolute pleasure…the spark is restless, a prisoner mired in the hell of the doldrums…I feel it within, the inner spark.

Jess freestyled that she’s just a crazy girl, and added you plus me plus them equals we.

Dana read us part of his Augustus the Sissy, which you can see in full later this year:

We hope to see you out next month. Stay tuned for more GPI events this year!

Hi all! We’ll be marching around DC this weekend, Saturday January 21, 2017, to celebrate women and the issues that are important to them. We plan to meet up with our old pals in the Rhythm Worker’s Union during the march. They are resurrecting the Mother Drum Ship. Find their meetup information here: Later in the day, some of us will be at Split This Rock’s Speak Out at Woolly Mammoth Theater:

Hope to see you out and about!

We are still recovering from the elections but were out at Bossa to keep the poetry lamp burning in December. Some highlights:

The Poet with No Name is no longer confused by four lines–I move, I move for trapped black queens too tired to know what a nap means.

Zane shared what happens to a dream deferred…maybe it just unloads or maybe it explodes!

Mazha told us life is a game we play: Don’t give up, let’s give it one more shot.

Narayan asks have you see the moon last night? Shining through the barren trees, creates peace and closeness with the darness all around.

Jess poked fun at the web of free and the roam of the brave.

See you all out in 2017!

The DC Guerrilla Poetry Insurgency (GPI) is an anti-authoritarian, collaborative, pro-humanity artists' collective incorporating music, rhythm, spoken word, community and resistance.

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For more info or to inquire about availability to perform:

(800) 886-6157

Sign up for annoucements by visiting: DC-GPI Announce

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